April 10, 2013

  • *029*

    When someone walks into your life, makes you a better person and causes you to forget about your past, never let go of them

    Your prince will come one day. He may not ride a white horse or live in a big castle but he will love you and only you

    I’ve never met someone so unbelievable as you. You’re everything to me; you have been since the first time we talked and you will continue to be for the rest of my life. No one could ever, or will ever,replace you. Even if I tried to forget you, I’d just be rushing my heart. You have my heart and that I promise you. When I’m with you I get this feeling I never had with anyone else

    It’s the way your heart beats faster when he comes around, it’s the way you can’t breathe when you think about him, it’s the way when you try to talk to him nothing comes out, it’s the way that his name alone captivates your whole mind, it’s the way you could sit and think about him for hours and still believe he’s the only one for you


    sometimes I wonder if the good things I do are appreciated by the people I do it for. It’s not like I expect something in return, I don’t. Never that. I just feel as if a person shouldn’t do so much for others out of love time and time again, to just have people take this person for granted. there might not be a limit to being a good person, but there is a limit in always being nice all the time

    This life of mine has it’s flaws, but it’s the only one I got. I’m going to hold my head high, look on the bright side, and smile even when I want to cry. Because I’m not letting anyone or anything bring me down

    The only thing harder than letting go is moving on


    You can’t force people to stay in your life. Staying is a choice, so be thankful for the people that choose you

    I guess there comes a time when you’re sick of trying. You’re sick of getting the same response, the same silence and the same feeling. You’re not giving up, just moving on


    Everyday that goes by it seems like I discover something new about you to love. It’s incredible to me how one person can make such a BIG difference in my life. You touch me in a way no one else ever has and give me so many reasons to love you

    Not much to report about my life…I don’t really care for my job anymore – cleaning for 10 hours a day sucks.
    I love my apartment and living on my own.
    Things with the boy are absolutely amazing and I just love him so much!
    My birthday is next sunday and the boy and I are going to the boston zoo and museum of science!! I can’t wait!
    Last Friday my gram on my dads side passed away ): I haven’t seen her in a really long time so I’m feeling very guilty about that.
    I went to the Dr’s and they told me that I have high blood sugar levels so I need to start eating wayy better or I’ll become a diabetic. That scared me a lot so I’ve been eating a lot better. Scary that that’s what it takes for me to stop eating like shit.
    That’s all for personal stuff (: <3

    I hope you enjoyed the funny pictures! I’ve had many of these stored for years and I finally got 20 of them so I wanted to use them!
    Sorry that once again, it has taken me awhile to post again!
    BUT I appreciate and love how much comments and rec’s I got on my last post! Thank you so much loves! (:
    Please keep doing the same!

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