March 24, 2011

  • My weakness is that I care too much

    My hands are cold but the rest of me is warm.
    I am not currently listening to any music.
    I have kissed someone this week.
    I have kissed more than one person this week.
    I am already fully ready for the day. 
    I have yet to get my shower today.
    My hair is is a mess.
    My cell phone has a cover.
    My cell phone is currently set on silent.
    I record my own ringtones.
    I want to get married one day.
    I have already thought a lot about my own wedding.
    I know what I would want to name my children already.
    I do not want any children.
    I have plans to hang out with someone today.
    I have a necklace on right now.
    I have worn slippers on my feet before.
    My nails are painted.
    My blinds/curtains are shut/closed in my bedroom.
    The heat is turned on in my house.
    I did not eat breakfast today.
    I had a glass of orange juice today.
    I plan on seeing a movie this weekend.
    My favorite color is a shade of yellow or orange.
    My bedroom is so messy you can barely see the carpet/floor.
    I consider myself an extremely organized person.
    I have bitched someone out recently.
    I use Yahoo instant messenger.
    I like oldies music.
    I have watched the show Desperate Housewives before.
    I like Eva Longoria.
    I like Tom Cruise.
    I have seen a great movie in the past week.
    The Dark Knight is one of my favorite movies.
    I would rather go to the drive-in than the movie theater.
    I wish it was snowing out right now.
    I light candles a lot.
    I am addicted to MySpace or Facebook.
    The speakers on my computer are about to blow.
    I have an iPod Touch.
    The TV I have is not a flatscreen. 
    I have like no new clothes.
    I have things from Christmas I still never wore yet.
    I plan on having a Super Bowl party.
    I plan on attending a Super Bowl party.
    I love the taste of beer.
    Smirnoff is one of my favorite drinks.
    I can get a little crazy at parties.
    I love when I get mail.
    I have been accepted into college.
    I love the song "Ice Ice Baby".
    I dance a lot daily.
    I love country music.
    I have money on my iTunes account.
    I buy a lot of things that I never wear.
    I don't like buying new shoes.
    I hate long lines.
    I consider myself to be a patient person.
    When I want something, I don't give up.
    I feel like I have bad luck.
    I have been in a car accident before.
    I have cheated on somebody before.
    I don't see what the big deal about cheating is if it's not a serious relationship.
    I am currently dating somebody.
    I am a huge supporter of gay marriage.
    I am pro-life.
    I perform better in school than most people I know.
    I try very hard in school.
    I don't mind getting homework.
    I actually like testing days because you never get any homework.
    I skip so much school it's not even funny.
    Pink is one of my favorite colors.
    I hate when people are petrified of getting dirty.
    I hate when girls whine and shriek at the sight of a bug, calm down.
    I hate when guys try to act all tough and hard when they clearly are not.
    I find it strange to see 7 year olds with cell phones.
    ... And 7 year old guys wearing their pants down to their ankles.
    I remember the fad where people wore ribbons around their necks.
    I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day.
    I have contact lenses in right now.
    I am still sitting in my pajamas.
    I am laying in bed on my laptop.
    I plan on going on vacation in the next month.
    I would love to visit Europe one day.
    I am so tired I could go back to sleep.
    When I want something, I go to my dad to suck-up.
    My sibling/s try to get me in trouble often.
    I am the baby of the family.
    Both of my parents work. 
    My mom used to be a homemaker.
    When I think of homemaker, I think of Bree from Desperate Housewives.
    I have been on a school field trip recently.
    I went out to eat last night.
    I ate steak sometime this week.
    I upload too many pictures to my computer for my own good.
    I put some sort of lotion on today.
    I slept in later than I should have.
    I am wearing socks right now.
    I wear glasses on a daily basis.
    My hair is blonde or I have dyed it blonde before.
    I have had some sort of highlights/streaks in my hair.
    I have gone to the same hair stylist my whole life.
    I am on Xanga at least two hours a day.
    I like taking surveys compared to making them.
    One of my eyes is currently watering.
    I have short sleeves on.
    I have shorts on.
    There is change on my desk.
    I always have a pen on my desk.
    I am not even sitting at a desk.
    My bed is the comfiest place in the world to me.
    I wrap myself up in my covers.
    I would probably be a complete cover hog. 
    I hate going to sleep.
    I am a total morning person.
    I feel like my day is ruined if I sleep it away.
    I love going to sleepovers.
    My nails are pretty long.
    I have chipped nail polish right now.
    I consider myself to be tan.
    I speak more than one language fluently.
    I have been out of my own country before.
    I am terrified to go on an airplane.
    I do not like heights at all.
    I plan on going to the mall today.
    I hate shopping for long periods of time.
    I am craving something from McDonald's.
    I am not a fast food kind of person.
    I have some sort of health class in school.
    I love drinking Gatorade/Powerade.
    My favorite flavor in those sorts of drink is watermelon.
    I love the summer because of all of the fresh fruits.
    My family often has cookouts.
    I love hot dogs.
    I prefer cheeseburgers to hamburgers.
    I know how to operate the grill.
    I am clueless when it comes to cooking anything.
    I don't even know how to use a can opener.
    I am sick right now.
    I have a bad cold.
    My closet mainly has dark colored clothes.
    I only tend to wear my favorite things.
    I prefer sweatpants to jeans. 
    I find jeans to be really uncomfortable.
    My closet is very organized.
    I have my clothes thrown everywhere in my room.
    I wish I was in a relationship right now.
    I have someone in my mind that I wouldn't mind dating.
    My parents don't like my boyfriend/girlfriend.
    I don't care what my family thinks of him/her.
    I think I am going to move out this summer.
    I feel like I am way more mature than most people my age.
    I have had way too much to drink before.
    ... And I made a complete fool of myself.
    I have drunk dialed someone.
    I have been drunk dialed.
    I have a lot of money on me at the moment.
    I currently have the TV on in the background.
    I'm IMing a few people.
    I am addicted to good quotes.
    I watch a lot of TV.
    I update my MySpace/Facebook daily.
    Someone else has my account password.
    I don't mind blood/gore movies.
    I like movies with a lot of love/romance.
    The dishwasher is currently running in my house.
    My driveway is really long.
    There is snow on the ground right now.
    Yesterday it was really warm outside.
    I have been to Wal-Mart in the past week.
    I don't like shopping at Wal-Mart. 
    I hate dealing with crowds.
    I have a trash can in my room.
    It's not even close to being full.
    I am starving.
    I have had a lot of food to eat today.
    I plan on getting a shower when I am done taking this.
    I feel like I'm a lazy person.
    I've had a pretty serious disagreement with someone lately.
    I have kissed the same person more than 5 times this week. 
    My parents would freak if they knew the things I am doing with someone
    I don't want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. 
    I plan on attending prom this year.
    I took a picture of myself today.
    I don't have a picture with the person I'm interested in.

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