March 26, 2011

  • This is nucking futs

    Are you content with the current weather?
    nah its a bit chilly

    Do you own many pairs of shorts?
    no I dont

    Is there a place you'd rather be right now?
    nah Im good

    When was the last time you were disappointed?
    uhh Im not sure

    Do you miss someone right now?
    yes I do

    Have you ever taken a close up shot of a flower?
    nope I havent

    Is there an article of clothing you need to buy right now?
    yeah kindaa

    When was the last time you had alcohol?
    over spring break I tried a sip of J's mikes lemonade

    Do you feel like you just need to be with friends and relax?
    I am right noww

    Is there a situation you currently feel hopeless about?

    When was the last time you wanted to do something, but couldn't?
    I have no idea

    When was the last time you sang out loud to yourself?

    Are you one to often make typos?
    not usually

    On a hot day, would you rather prefer ice cream or a popsicle?
    ice cream (:

    Have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything?
    no cause it doesnt help

    Who was the last person you texted?

    Is there a fan going in the room you're in?
    nope not yet

    When was the last time you felt like letting it all out and having a cry?
    a couple days ago

    Do you feel you're fighting a losing battle?
    nope I gave up

    Have you played cards recently?
    I havee

    Is there a band you like with amazing music but a bad vocalist?

    Is there a certain song you like to head bang to?
    haha yes

    When was the last time you had a headache?
    a few days ago

    Does pizza sound good to you right now?
    nah I had it last night

    Have you ever relied on coffee to keep you awake?
    nope it doesnt wake me up

    Do you sleep well during the summer?
    uhh not really cause I hate the heat

    Anything you might be giving up on soon?
    already did dude

    Have you ever captured a moth?
    yes sirr

    Does long grass irritate your bare legs?
    I dont think so lol

    Will you be going to the beach anytime soon?
    uh no

    Have you ever made any kind of video?

    When was the last time someone made you feel like an idiot?
    earlier today haha

    Do you have sympathy for others when they're upset?
    yes I do

    Are you one of those people who can't dance but love to anyway?
    oh yeah

    Is there a band/artist who has strange lyrics but you love them anyway?

    Have you ever been to New York?

    Is there a song you used to like but are annoyed of now?
    nah not really

    Does your optimism sometimes hurt you?
    yes it does

    Have you ever had a premonition?

    Are you dying to see someone very soon?
    yeah but I wont be

    When was the last time you wore earrings?
    right now

    Are you currently saving for anything?
    nah Im not

    If you met yourself from 5 years ago, what would you think? What would you say to yourself?
    I would tell myself to do things differently with J and keep him away from the bitch ; mightve helped myself in the long run

    Do you have a friend who you always seem to be fighting with? About what?
    yes Billy haha and everything

    Are old people cute or annoying? Why?
    I think theyre cute unless theyre rude then I hate them lol

    Have you ever had a crush on someone considered "gross" or "scruffy"? How did that work out?
    uhm probably and not well

    What is one thing people assume about you that you wish they wouldn't?
    people assume that Im going nowhere in life

    What do you think of fan fiction? Have you ever written it?
    never heard of it

    Is there any trend from the 1980's that you like?
    nah I dont think so

    Do you think you would be better or worse off (I.E., more accepted, happier, better looking, etc.) if you were the opposite sex?
    worse off haha

    Do you think a tiny waist and larger hips is attractive? Why or why not?
    no I dont like when girls have really wide hips

    Do you lie about your height?
    nope no need

    Do you remember the last time you woke up in the middle of the night? Why did you?
    last night cause I had to pee

    What's your opinion on leopard print?

    Are there any celebrities you aspire to be like? Which ones?
    nah Im good

    When you get sent home early from school/work, what do you tend to spend your day doing?
    uhh I dont know

    Would you/have you ever bought clothes from Goodwill/a thrift or resale shop? If so, what's your favorite article of clothing from there?
    I never have and I would

    What's your favorite Mario game? If you don't have one, do you like any video games at all?
    super mario and mario kart (: <3

    Did/will you take "senior photos" for your last year of high school? If so, what did/will they look like?
    I already took them and they were good

    Is any of the music you listen to political in any way?
    no I dont

    Would you rather see ballet or Broadway? Why?
    ballet and I dont know haha

    Have you ever used a color changing pen?
    yeah I used to love them haha

    If you were only allowed to do one appearance enhancing thing a day (fixing your hair, putting on makeup, shaving, wearing jewelery, etc.), which would you pick? Why?
    makeup I guess?

    Has anyone ever threatened to hurt you? What did you do?
    uhh Im not sure

    Did you ever have one of those wildly popular, always sold out at Christmas toys when you were like, like Tickle Me Elmo? Parents fought over those! O:
    uhh probably

    If you had to get a constellation tattooed on you, which would you pick? Where would it go?
    I wouldnt lol

    Have you ever seen someone's personality change completely in a manner of minutes? What was it like?
    oh yeah crazy

    Have you read the book or seen the movie "Girl, Interrupted"? If so, which was your favorite character?
    nope havent

    What's the most studying you've ever done? Did it work?
    a lot and yes

    Is the idea of robots becoming a common thing scary or exciting to you? Why?
    bahaha neither cause I dont care

    Do you tend to expect the best or the worst of people?

    Have you ever taken a Myers-Briggs or Jungian Typology test? Did you think your result was accurate?
    nope I dont think so

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